Angry Christians set ogboni leader house on ablaze in Edo state as police declared Peter ijiogbe wanted

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Angry Christians set ogboni leader’s house ablaze in Edo state as police declared Peter ijiogbe wanted

The Family house of Leader of ogboni confraternity in Edo state Mr Phillips obatin, house has been set ablaze on 30th December, by some angry Christian Youths and Peter Ijiogbe in number 20 Imudia Street of Iwogban of lucky way Benin City, over the murdered of one late mrs Madali Ijiogbe .

It was gathered that the youths Numbering about 12, had invaded the home of the ogboni leader in Edo state in what the angry looking Christian Youths call jungle Justice, on Tuesday 18th December some hoodlums loyal to the ogboni confraternity attacked the home of one of late Member Mr Ijiogbe for the refuse of the First son to summit himself for initiation.

The Christian community in the area mobilized in Numbers along side Mr Peter Ijiogbe over the failure of the Nigeria police to Arrest those who are behind the murdered of Mrs Madali Ijiogbe.
As time of Reporting this news the house has almost burn into arches, attempt to contact the Nigeria Fire service was no avain, while some residents lamented over the inadequate of Nigeria government to check and balance on issue of urgency regarding the death of Mrs Madali Ijiogbe .

While reacting to the house set ablaze the leader of ogboni confraternity in Edo state said that the hoodlums throught he was still around, his home shortly after he left the town for police invitation over the death of Mrs Madali Ijiogbe.

According to him the Christian Community set his house ablaze and vandalised other sections other sections of the building when they couldn’t find him.

Speaking on behalf of the Christian community Mr Abraham Osadolor, who said that no Religion is supreme in Nigeria that everyone should allow to practice his faith in peace that the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria permit citizens to associate with any religion of their choice, with fear or intimidation, he further express that for long Mr Peter Ijiogbe has been subject of torture and intimidation over his refuse to join the gboni confraternity brotherhood, as Christians we can’t watch our members been butcher and slaughter because of their Christian Faith and keep quit over the issue.

Three of the suspects has been arrested and currently been detailed at the police Area command office in Benin City. While reacting to the burning of the leader of ogboni confraternity home by angry Christians in the area.

The Edo state command of Nigeria police said that they were called by the leader of the ogboni in Edo state that his house is on fire, the command quickly mobilize is men to stop the violence situation, 3 people were arrested at the seem while others manage to Escaped, but the First subject Mr Peter ijiogba sustain a bullet injury when the people loyal to ogboni confraternity clash with Christians faithful. immediately the police stormed the residents to make and stop the violence Mr Peter ijiogbe, escape while he has been on the run, the police command Further urge all Authorized Hospital in the nation not to treat patients with bullet injury without police report. the police Said that Mr Peter ijiogbe is the genesis of the crime, having arrested a total of 10 persons pius the initial 3 arrested at the crime seem with 4 others shoot on sight before when they were trying to escape, while the 4 body’s of the deceased has been deposited at the mutuary, the police mobilized and arrest 7 others in the early hour of today in their residents while Mr Peter ijiogbe managed to escaped police Arrest when his home was invaded by the police.

The Christian association of Nigeria (CAN) Edo state branch while reacting to the police statements of declaring Mr Peter Ijiogbe wanted, a Christian who has been a subject of torture from the ogboni confraternity because of his Faith said that the Nigeria police has turned itself to a romate control in the hands of some religious leaders in the country, on 18th Mrs madali Ijiogbe was murdered by the thugs who are loyal to the ogboni confraternity, they invaded the house of Mr ijiogbe were Mrs madali was killed on a warning if his elder brother refuse to join the brotherhood he will be next in line to be kill, but till now nobody has been persecuted on the death of Mrs Madali Ijiogbe, saying that the Police has decided to take sides because of the power in control.
The police spokesperson while on 31st December while addressing journalists in Benin has said that after a long chased of Mr Peter ijiogbethe police has declared him wanted, the police argue all well meaning citizens of Nigeria to report to the nearest police station Any were they find Peter ijiogbe who is 16 years old.

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