Man City VS Real Madrid: How Primate Ayodele Accurately Foretold Winner (VIDEO)

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The second leg of the Champions League semi-final match between Manchester City and Real Madrid was held yesterday Wednesday, 17th Of May 2023.

England’s Manchester City defeated Spain’s Real Madrid four goals to nil after playing a draw in the first leg. The result was not only embarrassing to the formidable Real Madrid team, it was unbelievable for lovers of football as they never expected the Spanish side would perform so low against Manchester City.

As surprising as the result is, many who stumbled on the revelation of Primate Elijah Ayodele on the match were not caught unaware because the prophet already foretold how the match would go. He also revealed how the winner will emerge between the two strong teams and this was weeks before the first leg.

In the video which was shared on his tiktok page, Primate Ayodele explained that Real Madrid has all it takes to win the match but there is need to change tactics and some players to be guaranteed of victory. He warned Real Madrid not to underestimate Manchester City or else, they will be surprised at the outcome.

‘’ Honestly, anyone who wins between Manchester City and Real Madrid will win the cup. If you ask me who will win between them, I will say Madrid has all it takes in the first half, 56 mins, 78 mins, and 85 mins. If Man. City doesn’t strike hard and allow the ball to go to penalty, they are in trouble. Madrid has all it takes to win but if they take Man. City for granted in the first leg, it will be a serious thing. If Madrid changes strategy and brings in a new formula, changes one or two players, give it to Madrid but if Madrid underrate Manchester City, it can be very serious’’

Comparing the words of Primate Ayodele and everything that happened during the match yesterday, one would be convinced that truly, the prophet gave an accurate revelation of the events. Real Madrid didn’t change the strategy for the match, the team employed the normal tactic of playing, used the same set of players in the match and unfortunately, It worked against the team’s victory in the match.

It’s obvious Real Madrid underrated the ability of Manchester City considering how simple the first leg was, the team didn’t expect to be beaten mercilessly by the same team but sadly, the English side embarrassed the Spanish champions.


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