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BBNAIJA Reunion Will Cause Enmity Among Housemates Instead Of Unity





One of the most watched show at the moment is Big Brother Naija reunion that has to do with bringing back the housemates of the most recent edition of the show to meet again after they left the house.

The show started some days ago and ever since then, several things and secrets have been spilled by the housemates, most of which was not known by fans or captured by the camera while they were in the house.

It has also caused rancor between many of them as Tolani Baj was seen throwing a pillow at Vee day before yesterday during a heated argument. This also led to hurtful words being said at each other. Tolani was heard shaming Vee for not completing her tertiary education, among several things.

Also, Dorathy revealed some of the things she did with Brighto in the house which of course was embarrassing, Ka3na too aimed at shaming Praise in an unpleasant way. The ladies especially have taken the show personal, forgetting that they are even on a live show.

So far, the guys have been very cool with each other, those that have had issues so far are the ones with the female, most of them have just been enjoying the show and reacting to the many secrets being spilled out as the show proceeds.

As it is known that any reunion event is meant to further help the relationship of those involved grow, it is a platform to come together ones again and settle differences that may have occurred, it is also a way to talk about the progress of every individual and how to help each other grow. However, BBNAIJA Reunion is not helping in that aspect, the show is becoming more popular but the effect is will have on the housemates may not be palatable.

At the end, they will reconcile but what happens to the secrets that have been spilled already about everyone of them? The fans will continue talking about it and as long as that happens, deep down, they won’t be cool with one another.

BBNAIJA should retrace their steps and quickly work on making the purpose of the show to be realized.

