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BREAKING! Lawmakers Fight, Pour Water On Themselves Over Impeachment Motion (VIDEO)



TRIXX NG reports that there was drama earlier today at the Kisii County Assembly as ODM, UDA MCAs clash over DG Robert Monda’s impeachment motion.

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) MCAs and their United Democratic Alliance (UDA) counterparts nearly engaged in a fistfight after disagreeing on an impeachment motion against Kisii deputy governor, Dr. Robert Monda.

A section of MCAs from both sides were recorded confronting each other threatening to engage in physical fights.

As the standoff persisted, sergeants at arms were forced to intervene separating the MCAs who were ready in arms.

Besides physical confrontations, others resolved to bang the tables and shout at their colleagues in the chambers.

It is not yet clear what led to the fallout between the MCAs resulting in the clash.

This came after a motion was tabled by Ichuni ward MCA, Wycliffe Siocha, and 51 out of 69 MCAs are said to have signed it.

The mover of the notice of motion accuses the deputy governor of going against the constitution.

He however did not reveal the exact charges against the Deputy governor, saying it will be pre-emptying the expected impeachment motion.

Nyacheki Ward MCA, Naftal Onkoba, who is in support of the motion called on Governor Arati to keep off and not to interfere with the process.

Kisii County has been at the centre of controversy, especially with the recent cases of political heat experienced in the region.

In recent cases, Kisii Governor Simba Arati and MP Sylvanus Osoro have been at loggerheads resulting in confrontations.

The move by Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu to intervene backfired as Arati told him off.



